Argue it if you like; the COVID-19 pandemic has left an indelible footprint in the world. Although still spreading, people are already adjusting their lives to curtail the spread of the virus. And one of such adjustments is the invention of COVID-19 inspired office furniture.
If you want to keep your business running amidst the spread of the coronavirus, you must prioritize your employee’s health. Take note of all the CDC COVID-19 guidelines and ensure that every member of your team adheres strictly to COVID-19 protocols in the office.
As an additional precaution to keep the virus from spreading in your workspace, here are 9 amazing covid-19 inspired office furniture. With these workspace furniture items in your office, you will be able to keep your employees safe.
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#1. Pods
Pods are one of the COVID-19 inspired office furniture. This furniture item gives your employees a sense of privacy at work. Also, it makes the office distraction-free and provides adequate protection from germs.
They are self-contained spaces that feature glass doors and soundproof walls. Interestingly, Pods have tables and seat which can house one or two employees. These furniture items are about 7feet and 8 inches high and 7 feet and 7 inches wide.
Again, this invention sometimes comes with a built-in monitor and a camera for video conferencing.
#2. Privacy Lounge Chairs
A privacy lounge chair is one of the best COVID-19 inspired office furniture out there. This furniture design provides a sense of solitary and features tall sides to prevent the spread of covid-19.
With privacy lounge chairs in your reception waiting room, visitors will have a comfortable and safe place to stay.
The privacy lounge chair features an easy to clean upholstered polyurethane and soft polyester. And you would love its steel legs and its built-in power and USB ports.
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#3. Temperature Checker Stations
Temperature checker station is another great office furniture invention inspired by covid-19. It screens your employees’ temperature to reduce and possibly prevents the spread of COVID-19 pandemic.
You can set up this amazing furniture reading station at your reception and ensure that every staff subject themselves to check before going into their various offices. Trust me, it will go a long way to control the spread of the virus within your workspace.
Furthermore, this mobile temperature reading station has acrylic panels on all sides, which protect you and your employees from germs. And its 20-inches vertical cut-way in the front panel protects whoever is reading the check from germs as well.
Again, the temperature checker station features a powder-coated steel frame, which makes it durable.
#4. Personal Storage Lockers
Ordinarily, you can control what happens within your office and ensure strict adherence to laid down COVID-19 protocols. But you don’t have control over what your employees are doing outside the office.
For instance, they take public transportation, go to coffee stores, and unavoidably walkthrough crowded areas when coming to the office. You can’t control any of these events. However, you can limit outside germs from spreading into the main office.
Provide a personal storage locker for every employee to keep their personal items. If possible, the lockers should be around the reception; this will help prevent the virus’s spread.
#5. Room Dividers
Room dividers are one of the COVID-19 inspired office furniture. The furniture item helps to maintain social distancing within your office. Also, it creates a sense of privacy for employees by separating desks and tables within your office.
Most room dividers in the market measure 9.5 feet wide and 6.5 feet high. And they feature five 22-inches wide panels and a steel frame covered with tackable fabric. Furthermore, room dividers have casters, which make it easier to move it around the office.
#6. Signage
There’s hardly any office in the United States without signages these days. They help remind your employees about the various COVID-19 safety protocols like wearing masks and other requirements. It also helps to convey messages and direct employees to different locations like the temperature check stations.
#7. Sanitizing Station
Thankfully, experts established that using hand sanitizer every time makes you less prone to the virus. So, try to install sanitizing stations in different strategic locations within your office where employees can easily keep their hands clean.
#8. Sneeze Guards
Sneeze guard is another great covid-19 inspired office furniture. It’s a plastic or glass barrier that helps to prevent the spread of germs from sneezing or coughing.
Of course, you can install this furniture item around the workstations and receptions. This office furniture item helps block respiratory droplets from a sneeze, cough, and talking. It’s one of the best ways to keep your employees safe.
#9. Antimicrobial Chairs
Antimicrobial chairs featured addictive treatments to help kill and prevent the growth of microorganisms. These chairs feature an adjustable seat, built-in lumbar supports, and casters for easy movement.
These are the 9 COVID-19 inspired office furniture on my list. If you can, get some them on your workspace.
Why You Should Have Any of These COVID-19 Inspired Office Furniture In Your Workspace
#1. Makes Your Employees and Visitors Feel Safe
One of the reasons you should invest in some COVID-19 inspired office furniture is because it gives your employees a sense of safety. And they can work without fear knowing fully that you have taken all the safety precautions to keep them safe.
#2. Give Them a Feeling of Self-worth
When your employees observe that you invest so much in keeping them safe and healthy, it gives them a sense of belonging and self-worth. Nothing motivates an employee better than the thought of being appreciated and regarded as a valuable member of the team. This can only happen when you prioritize their safety and invest in covid-19 inspired office furniture.
#3. Improved Productivity
Naturally, your employee will be more productive when they know that their working environment is safe, and you care so much about their wellbeing. This will trigger them to be more productive. You see, investment in the right office furniture could change the mood around your workspace and make your employees more productive.